With all of the wacky stuff going on lately, it has been quite a challenge to do things systematically. For people like me who plan things for a living, it has been really frustrating at times. Waves in the pool :). But, let me say that it is STILL worth fighting for a planned approach to everything we do. I know it is exciting to wing it, and not be concerned about the details, but it is always fun until someone loses an eye LOL!
I have been the engineer who has studied and tested this planning stuff for 30 years, and do you know what I found out? If you plan and schedule whatever you do, it saves you 75-90% of the cost of doing it with no plan. It is as simple as that. Huge return on investment. It doesn’t matter if it is work related, building a new home, taking a vacation, retiring, WHATEVER. No plan? Whip out your wallet, purse or RFID shielded wonder pouch. BURN that cash!!!
The second thing I found out is MOST people do not care much about saving 75-90%. Do not CARE! At all. $7.50 cups of coffee all day long. They are so addicted to doing the same thing every day and BELIEVING THAT THEY KNOW BEST, that they just keep marching along flinging cash into the air. Usually, their boss walks alongside them, encouraging it. I know many of these people.
I could spend my time telling people all about the 75-90% savings, like everyone else. AC/DC playing a concert at The School for the Deaf. Nobody is listening, even if your message rocks! Or, we change the plan and REACH people by showing them what it FEELS LIKE when it is working the right way. While doing this, we make fun of the old way and make it clearly silly to keep doing it.
My point here is simple. To see when someone awakens and takes your hand up is worth 1000 rejections. Miraculous results for businesses, families and friends. It is so easy to do, and yet so many fear the change. Contact me to visit if this rings true to you. I would love to catch up with a friend and see what you are doing.
Better yet, join me on December 16, 2020 for The Complete Management of Change Workshop. I will be sharing the secrets to driving amazing changes and major shifts in performance through simple, small changes.
Dave Krings – Sr. Director of Reliability & Optimization
about author

In 2008, Dave authored the first remotely coached Maintenance Process Optimization Program to help maintenance professionals battle the invisible system behind the scenes that, if left unchecked, undermines production and reliability.