- The License is priced at $49.95 / month
The Vibration Periodic Table Training concept is meant to enhance the student’s exposure to seminar content in a self-paced and self-directed manner. The training can be used to help solve a current plant vibration problem or as a refresher and reinforcement of previously learned concepts. This course is designed for any level Vibration Analyst to help understand and classify fundamental machinery vibration faults in as much detail as desired without having to follow a direct path to get there. The self-paced and self-directed format includes 35 fundamental vibration faults and their derivatives. Each fault is further dissected into 13 attribute sub-categories. The material is enhanced with actual machinery data, numerous real-life case histories and animation examples. The full package includes nearly 1000 pages of information. The material can be read and reread as many times as desired, and also includes numerous audio files that help reinforce the concepts. The training includes conservatively 75+ hours of content (a conservative approximation) and can be used to fulfill ASNT and ISO required “experience” hours for formal certification. Interactive Training pricing is based on a Monthly Subscription License.