Dr. Karl Hoffower, DC, CRL explains vibration synchronous vs non-synchronous peaks
Dr. Karl Hoffower, DC, CRL explains the difference between vibration peaks that are synchronous versus non-synchronous.
The driver of a rotating asset is often referred to as the 1X or “one time”. This is the initial first frequency you should look for on a vibration spectrum graph.
Many faults are harmonics of the 1X (one time).
Synchronous peaks are whole number (2.0X, 3.0X, 9.0X, etc) harmonics of the driver speed (aka 1X frequency). These faults are you “mechanical” faults: misalignment, unbalance, looseness, vane/blade pass, etc.
NonSynchronous peak are not connected to the shaft, so they do not show up as whole numbers, but as decimal numbers (22.4X, 33.7X, 41.8X, etc, etc). Nonsynch peaks are found in “bad” bearings.
While there is more to discuss about synch vs nonsych, the point of this video is to give a clear example of why some faults are whole number harmonics (synchronous) and other components show as nonsynchronous faults.
Come to our vibration class in June to learn more.
#vibrationanalysis #vibration #reliability #conditionmonitoring #synchronous
#nonsynchronous #predictivemaintenance
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In 2008, Dave authored the first remotely coached Maintenance Process Optimization Program to help maintenance professionals battle the invisible system behind the scenes that, if left unchecked, undermines production and reliability.